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About Us

Green Era is a new company but with 15 + years of experience behind us.  Knowledgeable in the aspects of lawn care practices, tree care and pest control, Green Era can make your lawn and landscape lush and beautiful during the growing season!

​Seasonal weeds that Green Era is prepared to treat for.  Recognize them?
Our Services
Mowing and watering tips........

See here for all of the services that Green Era can provide for your lawn and landscape:


Lawn Care

Core Aeration


Tree and Shrub Care

Insect and Disease Control

Foundation Pest Control

Mosquito Control




​Mowing tips


Make sure to mow at the highest setting on your mower and try to mow as late in the evening possible, when it is cooler out.  This will help your lawn be more resistant to turf disease and damaging insects, as well as retaining moisture and giving your lawn a darker color.


Watering tips


Water daily in the early morning for 15-20 minutes per zone.  Dry, hot lawns may need an extra dose of H2O in the afternoon to cool down the temperature of the grass. 

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